J. D. Geck GmbH


J. D. Geck GmbH
Displays fittings for all types of panels, Display, Wire work, Hardware fixtures

Postfach 5031
58762 Altena

Phone: +49 (0)2352 542 0
Fax: +49 (0)2352 542 181

E-Mail: geck@geck.de
Internet: www.geck.de

Founding Year: 1852
Number of Employees: 201-500

Geck operates right across Europe. For every kind of customer, in every kind of market, for every possible application. Experience, innovation, and close adherence to customers’ demands ensure that individual requirements are met by individual solutions to ensure the optimum product is supplied to maximise sales.

News by J. D. Geck GmbH

Thumbnail-Photo: The rolling temptation during a shopping trip...
01.06.2011   #shopping carts #coin deposit systems

The rolling temptation during a shopping trip

Discount stores and grocery stores have them. Electronics stores and home improvement stores have them, too. Shopping carts are a part of shopping just as much as store shelves and the checkout counter. But often they are confusingly similar to each ...

Thumbnail-Photo: Shopping cart: There is still room for a new competitor...
30.05.2011   #shopping carts

Shopping cart: There is still room for a new competitor

Interview with Volker Köller, Sales manager at J. D. Geck

The metal works company J. D. Geck from Altena in Germany’s Sauerland region has expanded its range of products and joins the market for shopping carts. The response at the EuroShop was great, says Sales manager Volker Köller. He believes that ...

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